77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

2D Drafting Techniques in AutoCAD
( 20 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to AutoCAD
Overview of AutoCAD, its applications, and basic navigation
Module #2
Setting Up Your Workspace
Customizing the AutoCAD interface, setting up units and scales, and creating a template
Module #3
Basic Drawing Tools
Using the LINE, CIRCLE, and ARC commands to create basic shapes
Module #4
Drawing Aids and Snaps
Using grid, snap, and ortho modes to accurately create and modify objects
Module #5
Object Selection and Editing
Selecting, moving, copying, and deleting objects, and using the Properties Palette
Module #6
Working with Layers
Creating, renaming, and managing layers, and controlling object visibility
Module #7
Creating Polylines and Polygons
Using the PLINE and POLYGON commands to create complex shapes
Module #8
Text and Dimensions
Creating and modifying text, and using AutoCADs dimensioning tools
Module #9
Hatching and Filling
Using the HATCH command to create hatches and fills, and controlling hatch patterns
Module #10
Blocks and Attributes
Creating, inserting, and modifying blocks, and using attributes to store data
Module #11
Array and Mirror Commands
Using the ARRAY and MIRROR commands to create repetitive patterns and mirrored objects
Module #12
Trim and Extend Commands
Using the TRIM and EXTEND commands to modify objects
Module #13
Working with Images and External References
Inserting and manipulating images, and using external references (Xrefs)
Module #14
Advanced Selection Techniques
Using selection sets, filters, and the Selection Preview toolbar
Module #15
Auditing and Fixing Drawing Errors
Using the AUDIT command to identify and fix errors in your drawing
Module #16
Plotting and Publishing
Setting up and managing plots, and publishing drawings to various formats
Module #17
Collaboration and Data Exchange
Sharing drawings with others, using Design Web Format (DWF), and importing/exporting data
Module #18
Tips and Tricks
Productivity tips, shortcuts, and best practices for working efficiently in AutoCAD
Module #19
2D Design and Drafting Best Practices
Following industry standards and best practices for creating accurate and readable 2D drawings
Module #20
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in 2D Drafting Techniques in AutoCAD career

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