77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Biostatistics for Medical Research: Statistical Genetics and Genomics
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Statistical Genetics and Genomics
Overview of the field, importance in medical research, and course objectives
Module #2
Genetic Variation and Genome Architecture
Types of genetic variation, genome structure, and functional elements
Module #3
Statistical Principles for Genetic Analysis
Review of statistical concepts:hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression
Module #4
Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Introduction
Principles, designs, and limitations of GWAS
Module #5
GWAS Data Analysis Pipelines
Data quality control, SNP filtering, and association testing
Module #6
Single-Marker Association Tests
Allele frequency-based tests, genotype-based tests, and linear regression
Module #7
Multiple-Marker Association Tests
Haplotype-based tests, gene-based tests, and set-based tests
Module #8
Gene-Environment Interaction Analysis
Methods for detecting gene-environment interactions
Module #9
Epistasis and Gene-Gene Interaction Analysis
Methods for detecting epistatic interactions
Module #10
RNA-seq and Gene Expression Analysis
Introduction to RNA-seq data analysis and gene expression analysis
Module #11
Imputation and Phasing
Methods for imputing missing genotypes and phasing haplotypes
Module #12
Fine-Mapping and Causal Variant Identification
Methods for fine-mapping association signals and identifying causal variants
Module #13
Genomic Prediction and Risk Scores
Methods for genomic prediction and calculating polygenic risk scores
Module #14
Integrative Genomics:Combining Multiple Omics Data
Methods for integrating genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic data
Module #15
Cancer Genomics and Somatic Mutation Analysis
Methods for analyzing somatic mutations and cancer genomes
Module #16
PLINK and SNPtest:Tools for GWAS Analysis
Hands-on practice with PLINK and SNPtest
Module #17
R and Bioconductor:Tools for Genomic Data Analysis
Hands-on practice with R and Bioconductor
Module #18
Genomic Databases and Resources
Overview of genomic databases and resources (e.g., dbSNP, UCSC Genome Browser)
Module #19
Cloud Computing and High-Performance Computing
Introduction to cloud computing and high-performance computing for genomics analysis
Module #20
Reproducibility and Documentation in Genomic Research
Best practices for reproducibility and documentation in genomic research
Module #21
GWAS in Complex Traits:Case Studies
GWAS applications in complex traits (e.g., height, BMI, disease susceptibility)
Module #22
Genomic Medicine:Applications and Challenges
Applications of genomics in medicine and challenges in translation
Module #23
Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics
Applications of genomics in personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics
Module #24
Ethical Considerations in Genomic Research
Ethical considerations in genomic research (e.g., informed consent, data sharing)
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Biostatistics for Medical Research: Statistical Genetics and Genomics career

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