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10 Modules / ~100 pages
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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Game Theory Applications
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Advanced Game Theory
Overview of game theory, its importance, and applications in various fields
Module #2
Nash Equilibrium Refresher
Review of Nash Equilibrium, its existence, and computation
Module #3
Evolutionary Game Theory
Introduction to evolutionary game theory, evolutionarily stable strategies, and replicator dynamics
Module #4
Signaling and Screening
Signaling and screening models, Spences signaling model, and Crawford-Sobel model
Module #5
Auction Theory
Introduction to auction theory, independent private values model, and common value model
Module #6
Mechanism Design
Introduction to mechanism design, direct and indirect mechanisms, and Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms
Module #7
Dynamic Games
Introduction to dynamic games, Markov perfect equilibrium, and dynamic programming
Module #8
Stochastic Games
Introduction to stochastic games, recursive games, and stochastic games with incomplete information
Module #9
Bayesian Games
Bayesian games, posterior beliefs, and Bayes-Nash equilibrium
Module #10
Network Games
Introduction to network games, network formation, and network effects
Module #11
Information Economics
Introduction to information economics, adverse selection, and moral hazard
Module #12
Principal-Agent Models
Principal-agent models, moral hazard, and incentive contracts
Module #13
Game Theory and Machine Learning
Introduction to game theory and machine learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, and deep learning
Module #14
Game Theory and Network Science
Game theory and network science, network structure, and contagion models
Module #15
Game Theory and Economics
Game theory and economics, general equilibrium theory, and auction-based markets
Module #16
Game Theory and Politics
Game theory and politics, voting systems, and political competition
Module #17
Game Theory and Biology
Game theory and biology, evolutionary stability, and population dynamics
Module #18
Case Studies in Advanced Game Theory Applications
Real-world applications of advanced game theory concepts in various fields
Module #19
Computational Tools for Game Theory
Introduction to computational tools for game theory, including software and programming languages
Module #20
Advanced Topics in Game Theory
Advanced topics in game theory, including incomplete information, imperfect recall, and bounded rationality
Module #21
Experimental Game Theory
Introduction to experimental game theory, experimental design, and behavioral insights
Module #22
Behavioral Game Theory
Introduction to behavioral game theory, heuristics, and biases
Module #23
Game Theory and Public Policy
Game theory and public policy, mechanism design for policy, and behavioral public policy
Module #24
Game Theory and Computer Science
Game theory and computer science, algorithmic game theory, and computational social choice
Module #25
Game Theory and Operations Research
Game theory and operations research, game-theoretic models for operations, and supply chain management
Module #26
Advanced Game Theory and its Applications in Finance
Advanced game theory and its applications in finance, including financial markets and institutions
Module #27
Game Theory and Environmental Economics
Game theory and environmental economics, natural resource management, and climate change
Module #28
Game Theory and Health Economics
Game theory and health economics, healthcare policy, and healthcare management
Module #29
Game Theory and International Relations
Game theory and international relations, diplomacy, and conflict resolution
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Game Theory Applications career

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