77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation
( 20 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Advanced Mechanical Design
Overview of advanced mechanical design principles, importance of simulation in design, and course objectives
Module #2
Review of Mechanical Design Fundamentals
Revision of basic mechanical design principles, materials, and manufacturing processes
Module #3
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Basic concepts of FEA, types of FEA, and its applications in mechanical design
Module #4
FEA for Structural Analysis
FEA for structural analysis, including stress, strain, and deformation analysis
Module #5
FEA for Thermal Analysis
FEA for thermal analysis, including heat transfer and thermal stress analysis
Module #6
FEA for Dynamic Analysis
FEA for dynamic analysis, including vibration, modal, and frequency response analysis
Module #7
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Basic concepts of CFD, its applications in mechanical design, and types of CFD analysis
Module #8
CFD for Fluid Flow Analysis
CFD for fluid flow analysis, including laminar and turbulent flow, and boundary layer theory
Module #9
CFD for Heat Transfer and Mass Transport Analysis
CFD for heat transfer and mass transport analysis, including convection, conduction, and radiation
Module #10
Introduction to Multibody Dynamics
Basic concepts of multibody dynamics, its applications in mechanical design, and types of multibody dynamics analysis
Module #11
Multibody Dynamics for Mechanical System Analysis
Multibody dynamics for mechanical system analysis, including kinematics, dynamics, and vibration analysis
Module #12
Advanced Simulation Techniques
Advanced simulation techniques, including non-linear analysis, fracture mechanics, and fatigue analysis
Module #13
Design Optimization using Simulation
Design optimization techniques, including parametric, topological, and shape optimization using simulation
Module #14
Materials and Manufacturing Process Simulation
Simulation of materials and manufacturing processes, including material properties, machining, and 3D printing
Module #15
Advanced CAD Modeling for Simulation
Advanced CAD modeling techniques for simulation, including meshing, geometry cleaning, and defeaturing
Module #16
Simulation-Based Design Verification
Simulation-based design verification, including validation, verification, and uncertainty quantification
Module #17
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Design and Simulation
Advanced topics, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital twin in mechanical design and simulation
Module #18
Case Studies in Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation
Real-world case studies and applications of advanced mechanical design and simulation in various industries
Module #19
Project Development and Implementation
Guided project development and implementation, applying advanced mechanical design and simulation techniques
Module #20
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Mechanical Design and Simulation career

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