77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Methods for Structural Integrity Analysis
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Structural Integrity Analysis
Overview of structural integrity analysis, importance, and applications
Module #2
Review of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Basics of linear elastic fracture mechanics, stress intensity factors, and fracture toughness
Module #3
Non-Linear Finite Element Methods
Introduction to non-linear finite element methods, material non-linearity, and geometric non-linearity
Module #4
Advanced Mesh Generation Techniques
Overview of advanced mesh generation techniques, mesh refinement, and mesh quality assessment
Module #5
Crack Growth Modeling using XFEM
Introduction to extended finite element method (XFEM) for crack growth modeling
Module #6
Fatigue Analysis using Rainflow Counting
Introduction to rainflow counting method for fatigue analysis, cycle counting, and fatigue life prediction
Module #7
Material Modeling for Structural Integrity Analysis
Overview of material models for structural integrity analysis, including elastic-plastic, damage, and fracture models
Module #8
Uncertainty Quantification in Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to uncertainty quantification methods, including Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis
Module #9
Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fracture mechanics of composite materials, including delamination, crack growth, and failure modes
Module #10
Structural Health Monitoring using Acoustic Emissions
Introduction to structural health monitoring using acoustic emissions, signal processing, and damage detection
Module #11
Failure Assessment Diagrams (FAD) for Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to failure assessment diagrams, failure modes, and safety assessment
Module #12
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics
Introduction to probabilistic fracture mechanics, probability of failure, and reliability analysis
Module #13
Dynamic Fracture Analysis using Finite Element Methods
Introduction to dynamic fracture analysis using finite element methods, including explicit and implicit methods
Module #14
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis for Structural Integrity
Introduction to thermo-mechanical analysis, including thermal stresses, creep, and damage
Module #15
Creep and Fatigue Interaction
Interaction between creep and fatigue, creep-fatigue interaction, and life prediction
Module #16
High-Temperature Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to high-temperature structural integrity analysis, including creep, oxidation, and damage
Module #17
Computational Methods for Welded Structures
Introduction to computational methods for welded structures, including residual stresses, distortion, and fatigue
Module #18
Structural Integrity Analysis of Pipelines and Piping Systems
Introduction to structural integrity analysis of pipelines and piping systems, including pipe-soil interaction and corrosion
Module #19
Advanced Topics in Fracture Mechanics
Advanced topics in fracture mechanics, including cohesive zone models, damage mechanics, and multiscale modeling
Module #20
Coupled Simulation for Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to coupled simulation for structural integrity analysis, including fluid-structure interaction and thermal-structural coupling
Module #21
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning in structural integrity analysis, including predictive modeling and data analytics
Module #22
Quantification of Model Uncertainty in Structural Integrity Analysis
Introduction to quantification of model uncertainty in structural integrity analysis, including model calibration and validation
Module #23
Case Studies in Advanced Structural Integrity Analysis
Real-world case studies in advanced structural integrity analysis, including applications in aerospace, energy, and civil infrastructure
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Methods for Structural Integrity Analysis career

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