77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Microeconomic Theory
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Review of Basics
Review of basic concepts in microeconomics, including preferences, utility, and demand theory
Module #2
Consumer Theory
Advanced topics in consumer theory, including revealed preference theory and Afriats theorem
Module #3
Producer Theory
Advanced topics in producer theory, including cost minimization and profit maximization
Module #4
General Equilibrium
Introduction to general equilibrium theory, including the concept of Walrasian equilibrium
Module #5
Existence of Equilibrium
Proofs of the existence of general equilibrium, including the fixed point theorem
Module #6
Uniqueness of Equilibrium
Conditions for uniqueness of general equilibrium, including gross substitutes and the weak axiom of revealed preference
Module #7
Stability of Equilibrium
Analysis of the stability of general equilibrium, including the cobweb model and Eigenvalue analysis
Module #8
Welfare Economics
Introduction to welfare economics, including Pareto optimality and the first and second welfare theorems
Module #9
Social Choice Theory
Introduction to social choice theory, including Arrows impossibility theorem
Module #10
Game Theory
Introduction to game theory, including Nash equilibrium and dominant strategies
Module #11
Static Games
Analysis of static games, including pure and mixed strategies
Module #12
Dynamic Games
Analysis of dynamic games, including backward induction and subgame perfect equilibrium
Module #13
Auctions and Mechanism Design
Introduction to auctions and mechanism design, including the revenue equivalence theorem
Module #14
Information Economics
Introduction to information economics, including adverse selection and moral hazard
Module #15
Signaling and Screening
Analysis of signaling and screening models, including the Spence model and the Rothschild-Stiglitz model
Module #16
Asymmetric Information
Analysis of models with asymmetric information, including the principal-agent problem
Module #17
Generalized Models of Choice
Introduction to behavioral economics, including models of bounded rationality and non-expected utility theory
Module #18
Neoclassical Models of Choice
Advanced topics in neoclassical models of choice, including the theory of revealed preference
Module #19
Risk and Uncertainty
Analysis of models with risk and uncertainty, including expected utility theory and Prospect theory
Module #20
Time and Intertemporal Choice
Introduction to models of time and intertemporal choice, including the Fisher separation theorem
Module #21
Intertemporal Consumer Theory
Advanced topics in intertemporal consumer theory, including the Euler equation
Module #22
Intertemporal Capital Markets
Analysis of intertemporal capital markets, including the capital asset pricing model
Module #23
Applications of Microeconomic Theory
Applications of microeconomic theory to real-world problems, including policy evaluation and econometric analysis
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Microeconomic Theory career

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