77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Advanced Thermodynamics Principles
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Advanced Thermodynamics
Overview of the course, importance of advanced thermodynamics, and review of fundamental concepts
Module #2
Mathematical Tools for Thermodynamics
Review of vector calculus, differential equations, and integral equations
Module #3
State Functions and Their Relationships
In-depth analysis of internal energy, entropy, and free energy, and their interrelationships
Module #4
Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Introduction to equilibrium thermodynamics, including equilibrium criteria and stability
Module #5
Thermodynamic Potentials
Discussion of Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, and their applications
Module #6
Phase Equilibria
Analysis of single-component and multicomponent phase equilibria
Module #7
Stability and Fluctuations
Introduction to stability analysis and fluctuations in thermodynamic systems
Module #8
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Introduction to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, including Onsagers reciprocity relations
Module #9
Linear Irreversible Thermodynamics
Analysis of linear irreversible thermodynamic processes
Module #10
Non-Linear Irreversible Thermodynamics
Analysis of non-linear irreversible thermodynamic processes
Module #11
Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes
Discussion of thermodynamic principles for irreversible processes
Module #12
Thermodynamic Properties of Real Gases
Analysis of thermodynamic properties of real gases, including equations of state
Module #13
Thermodynamic Properties of Liquids
Analysis of thermodynamic properties of liquids, including liquid-vapor equilibria
Module #14
Thermodynamic Properties of Solids
Analysis of thermodynamic properties of solids, including phase transitions
Module #15
Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Systems
Introduction to thermodynamics of electrochemical systems, including batteries and fuel cells
Module #16
Thermodynamics of Biological Systems
Analysis of thermodynamic principles in biological systems, including energy metabolism
Module #17
Thermodynamics of Nano- and Micro-Scale Systems
Introduction to thermodynamics of nano- and micro-scale systems, including nanomaterials and microfluidics
Module #18
Computational Methods in Thermodynamics
Introduction to computational methods for thermodynamic calculations, including molecular simulations
Module #19
Case Studies in Advanced Thermodynamics
Real-world applications of advanced thermodynamic principles, including energy storage and conversion
Module #20
Thermodynamic Optimization Techniques
Introduction to thermodynamic optimization techniques, including Pinch Analysis and Exergy Analysis
Module #21
Sustainability and Thermodynamics
Analysis of the role of thermodynamics in sustainable energy systems and environmental protection
Module #22
Thermodynamic Limitations and Challenges
Discussion of thermodynamic limitations and challenges in energy conversion and storage
Module #23
Advanced Experimental Techniques in Thermodynamics
Introduction to advanced experimental techniques for measuring thermodynamic properties
Module #24
Thermodynamic Data Analysis and Modeling
Introduction to thermodynamic data analysis and modeling techniques
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Advanced Thermodynamics Principles career

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