77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Wind Energy
Overview of wind energy, its importance, and the role of aerodynamics in wind turbines
Module #2
Wind Turbine Basics
Components of a wind turbine, types of wind turbines, and their operating principles
Module #3
Aerodynamic Fundamentals
Review of basic aerodynamic concepts:lift, drag, thrust, and torque
Module #4
Airfoil Aerodynamics
Airfoil geometry, lift and drag curves, and stall characteristics
Module #5
Blade Element Theory
Introduction to blade element theory, blade element momentum theory, and Glauerts correction
Module #6
Rotor Disk Theory
Actuator disk theory, momentum theory, and Betz limit
Module #7
Wind Turbine Performance
Power curve, thrust curve, and efficiency of a wind turbine
Module #8
Wind Turbine Design Considerations
Design considerations:blade shape, size, and number, hub height, and rotor speed
Module #9
Aerodynamic Loads
Types of aerodynamic loads:fatigue, ultimate, and extreme loads
Module #10
Turbulence and Wake Effects
Turbulence models, wake effects, and wind turbine wakes
Module #11
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Introduction to CFD, mesh generation, and turbulence modeling for wind turbine aerodynamics
Module #12
Wind Tunnel Testing
Wind tunnel testing methods, scaling laws, and limitations
Module #13
Field Measurements and Data Analysis
Field measurement techniques, data analysis, and uncertainty quantification
Module #14
Wind Turbine Control Systems
Control systems:pitch, yaw, and torque control, and their impact on aerodynamics
Module #15
Aerodynamic Optimization
Optimization techniques for wind turbine design:gradient-based, evolutionary, and surrogate-based methods
Module #16
Noise and Vibration
Aerodynamic noise generation, propagation, and reduction, and vibration analysis
Module #17
Ice Accretion and Erosion
Ice accretion and erosion on wind turbine blades, and their effects on aerodynamics
Module #18
Aerodynamic Effects of Environmental Conditions
Aerodynamic effects of temperature, humidity, and air density on wind turbine performance
Module #19
Farm Effects and Wake Steering
Wind farm effects, wake steering, and optimization techniques for farm performance
Module #20
Offshore Wind Turbines
Unique challenges and considerations for offshore wind turbines:waves, currents, and corrosion
Module #21
Floating Wind Turbines
Floating wind turbines:design, dynamics, and aerodynamic challenges
Module #22
Airborne Wind Energy
Airborne wind energy systems:tethered wings, gliders, and aerodynamic considerations
Module #23
Advanced Wind Turbine Concepts
Co-axial, tandem, and shrouded wind turbines:design, advantages, and challenges
Module #24
Case Studies and Applications
Real-world case studies and applications of wind turbine aerodynamics
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines career

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