77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Enzyme Kinetics
Overview of enzyme kinetics, importance, and relevance in biochemistry
Module #2
Enzyme Structure and Function
Relationship between enzyme structure and catalytic activity
Module #3
Types of Enzyme Inhibition
Reversible and irreversible inhibition, competitive, uncompetitive, and non-competitive inhibition
Module #4
Michaelis-Menten Equation
Derivation and interpretation of the Michaelis-Menten equation
Module #5
Kinetic Parameters (Km and Vmax)
Significance and determination of Km and Vmax values
Module #6
Enzyme-Substrate Interaction
Binding of substrate to enzyme active site, induced fit, and conformational changes
Module #7
Enzyme Catalysis Mechanisms
General acid-base catalysis, covalent catalysis, and metal ion catalysis
Module #8
Allosteric Regulation
Allosteric activators and inhibitors, and their effects on enzyme activity
Module #9
Cooperativity and Hill Equation
Positive and negative cooperativity, and application of the Hill equation
Module #10
Enzyme Inhibition Kinetics
Kinetic analysis of enzyme inhibition, Lineweaver-Burk plots, and Dixon plots
Module #11
Reversible Inhibition
Competitive, uncompetitive, and non-competitive reversible inhibition
Module #12
Irreversible Inhibition
Suicide inhibitors, affinity labels, and mechanism-based inhibitors
Module #13
Enzyme Activation
Allosteric activation, and activation by metal ions and cofactors
Module #14
Enzyme Kinetics in Vivo
Influence of cellular conditions on enzyme kinetics, and applications in systems biology
Module #15
Principles of Enzyme Assays
Methods for measuring enzyme activity, and data analysis
Module #16
Enzyme Kinetics in Drug Discovery
Application of enzyme kinetics in drug design and development
Module #17
Enzyme Mechanisms in Biological Systems
Enzyme mechanisms in metabolic pathways, and their regulation
Module #18
Computational Models of Enzyme Kinetics
Molecular dynamics simulations, and kinetic modeling using computational tools
Module #19
Case Studies in Enzyme Kinetics
In-depth analysis of specific enzyme systems, and their kinetic characteristics
Module #20
Enzyme Kinetics and Disease
Alterations in enzyme kinetics in disease states, and implications for therapy
Module #21
Enzyme Engineering and Directed Evolution
Rational design and directed evolution of enzymes for industrial applications
Module #22
Enzyme Kinetics in Synthetic Biology
Design of synthetic biological pathways, and optimization of enzyme kinetics
Module #23
Advanced Topics in Enzyme Kinetics
Fluorescence and other spectroscopic methods, and single-molecule enzyme kinetics
Module #24
Enzyme Kinetics Laboratory Exercises
Hands-on experience with enzyme assays, and data analysis
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanisms career

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