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Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Fatigue and Fracture Analysis in Structures
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Fatigue and Fracture
Overview of fatigue and fracture, importance in structural design, and course objectives
Module #2
Basic Concepts in Fatigue
Definition of fatigue, types of fatigue, and factors affecting fatigue behavior
Module #3
Fatigue Theories and Models
Overview of fatigue theories, including Basquins equation, S-N curves, and fatigue life prediction models
Module #4
Fatigue Testing and Data Analysis
Methods for conducting fatigue tests, data analysis techniques, and interpretation of results
Module #5
Fatigue Crack Growth and Propagation
Mechanisms of crack growth, crack propagation models, and LEFM (Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics)
Module #6
Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals
Introduction to fracture mechanics, types of fracture, and key concepts (K, G, J)
Module #7
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
Assumptions and limitations of LEFM, stress intensity factor (K), and fracture toughness (KIC)
Module #8
Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM)
Introduction to EPFM, J-integral, and cohesive zone models
Module #9
Fatigue Life Prediction Methods
Overview of fatigue life prediction methods, including Miners rule, Palmgren-Miners rule, and Woehlers curve
Module #10
Fatigue Analysis of Welded Structures
Fatigue analysis of welded joints, weld defects, and effect of weld geometry on fatigue life
Module #11
Fatigue Analysis of Bolted and Riveted Joints
Fatigue analysis of bolted and riveted joints, including joint types, loading conditions, and failure modes
Module #12
Fatigue Analysis of Composite Materials
Fatigue behavior of composite materials, including delamination, fiber breakage, and matrix cracking
Module #13
Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials
Fracture mechanics of composite materials, including crack growth and propagation models
Module #14
Case Studies:Fatigue Failure in Structures
Real-world examples of fatigue failures in structures, including bridges, aircraft, and pipelines
Module #15
Case Studies:Fracture Failure in Structures
Real-world examples of fracture failures in structures, including bridges, buildings, and pressure vessels
Module #16
Design Against Fatigue and Fracture
Design guidelines and considerations for minimizing fatigue and fracture in structures
Module #17
Material Selection for Fatigue and Fracture Resistance
Material properties and selection criteria for fatigue and fracture resistance
Module #18
Inspection and Maintenance for Fatigue and Fracture
Inspection methods and maintenance strategies for detecting and mitigating fatigue and fracture
Module #19
Numerical Methods for Fatigue and Fracture Analysis
Finite element methods, boundary element methods, and other numerical techniques for fatigue and fracture analysis
Module #20
Experimental Methods for Fatigue and Fracture Testing
Experimental techniques for fatigue and fracture testing, including servo-hydraulic testing and digital image correlation
Module #21
Uncertainty and Reliability in Fatigue and Fracture Analysis
Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis in fatigue and fracture analysis
Module #22
Fatigue and Fracture Analysis Software and Tools
Overview of commercial software and tools for fatigue and fracture analysis, including ABAQUS, ANSYS, and NASTRAN
Module #23
Fatigue and Fracture Analysis in Industry
Industry applications and challenges in fatigue and fracture analysis, including aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Fatigue and Fracture Analysis in Structures career

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