77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Fluid-Structure Interaction
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Fluid-Structure Interaction
Overview of FSI, importance, and applications
Module #2
Mathematical Formulation of FSI
Governing equations for fluid flow and structural mechanics
Module #3
Types of FSI Problems
Classification of FSI problems:one-way, two-way, and strongly coupled
Module #4
FSI Phenomena and Examples
Illustrative examples of FSI in nature and engineering
Module #5
Numerical Methods for FSI
Overview of numerical methods for FSI:finite element, finite volume, and lattice Boltzmann
Module #6
Fluid Dynamics Fundamentals
Navier-Stokes equations, turbulence, and boundary layers
Module #7
Incompressible and Compressible Flows
Differences and implications for FSI
Module #8
Boundary Conditions for Fluid Flow
No-slip, slip, and free-surface boundary conditions
Module #9
Fluid Flow Solvers
Finite element, finite volume, and lattice Boltzmann methods for fluid flow
Module #10
Turbulence Modeling
RANS, LES, and DNS approaches for turbulent flows
Module #11
Structural Mechanics Fundamentals
Linear and nonlinear elasticity, stress, and strain
Module #12
Beam, Plate, and Shell Theories
Simplifications and assumptions for structural analysis
Module #13
Structural Solvers
Finite element method for structural analysis
Module #14
Material Properties and Nonlinearities
Elastic and inelastic material behavior, nonlinear structural analysis
Module #15
Dynamic Analysis of Structures
Modal analysis, forced vibration, and dynamic stability
Module #16
One-Way Coupling:Fluid-Structure Interaction
Forced vibration, fluid-induced vibration, and aeroelasticity
Module #17
Two-Way Coupling:Strongly Coupled FSI
Partitioned and monolithic approaches, added-mass and FSI solvers
Module #18
Iterative and Parallel Solution Methods
Efficient iterative methods and parallel processing for FSI
Module #19
FSI in Multiphase Flows
FSI in flows with multiple phases:gas, liquid, and solid
Module #20
FSI in Complex Geometries
Challenges and strategies for FSI in complex geometries
Module #21
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
FSI in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, and wind engineering
Module #22
Hydrodynamics and Ocean Engineering
FSI in hydrodynamics, ocean engineering, and marine renewable energy
Module #23
Biological and Biomedical Applications
FSI in biological systems, biomedical devices, and medical imaging
Module #24
Fluid-Structure Interaction in Energy Systems
FSI in energy systems:wind turbines, pipelines, and nuclear reactors
Module #25
Fluid-Structure Interaction in Aerospace Engineering
FSI in aerospace engineering:aircraft, spacecraft, and propulsion systems
Module #26
Stochastic FSI and Uncertainty Quantification
Methods for stochastic FSI and uncertainty quantification
Module #27
Machine Learning and FSI
Applications of machine learning in FSI:reduced-order modeling and surrogate-based optimization
Module #28
Multiscale and Multiphysics FSI
Coupling FSI with other physical phenomena:thermal, electromagnetic, and chemical
Module #29
Project Development:Formulation and Modeling
Guided project development:formulation, modeling, and numerical implementation
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Fluid-Structure Interaction career

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