77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Generative Art Techniques
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Generative Art
Overview of generative art, its history, and current trends.
Module #2
Basic Concepts of Algorithmic Art
Understanding algorithms, randomness, and rules in generative art.
Module #3
Generative Art Tools and Software
Introduction to popular software and tools used in generative art, such as Processing, p5.js, and OpenFrameworks.
Module #4
Math and Geometry in Generative Art
Basic math and geometry concepts used in generative art, including vectors, matrices, and fractals.
Module #5
Color Theory and Aesthetics
Understanding color theory, aesthetics, and visual design principles in generative art.
Module #6
Random Walks and Noise
Creating generative art using random walks and noise functions.
Module #7
Cellular Automata
Using cellular automata to generate patterns and shapes.
Module #8
L-Systems and Fractals
Generating fractals and patterns using L-systems.
Module #9
Perlin Noise and Terraforming
Using Perlin noise to generate natural-looking terrain and landscapes.
Module #10
2D Shape Generation
Creating generative art using 2D shape generation techniques, such as polygon tessellations.
Module #11
3D Modeling and Mesh Generation
Generating 3D models and meshes using algorithms and code.
Module #12
Procedural Texturing and Shading
Creating procedural textures and shaders for 3D models.
Module #13
3D Fractals and Geometric Shapes
Generating 3D fractals and geometric shapes using code.
Module #14
Particle Systems and Simulation
Using particle systems and simulation to generate dynamic 3D effects.
Module #15
Three.js and WebGL
Using Three.js and WebGL to create interactive 3D generative art in the browser.
Module #16
Interactive Generative Art with Sensors and Inputs
Using sensors and user input to create interactive generative art.
Module #17
Real-time Generative Art with Audio and Video
Generating art in real-time using audio and video inputs.
Module #18
Generative Art and Machine Learning
Using machine learning techniques, such as GANs and neural networks, to generate art.
Module #19
Dynamic Systems and Emergence
Creating dynamic systems that exhibit emergent behavior.
Module #20
Generative Art and Data Visualization
Using generative art techniques to visualize data and tell stories.
Module #21
Advanced Math and Physics in Generative Art
Using advanced math and physics concepts, such as calculus and fluid dynamics, in generative art.
Module #22
Generative Art and Architecture
Using generative art techniques to create architectural models and designs.
Module #23
Generative Art and Product Design
Using generative art techniques to create product designs and prototypes.
Module #24
Collaborative Generative Art and Human-AI Collaboration
Exploring collaborative generative art projects and human-AI collaboration.
Module #25
Final Project Development and Feedback
Developing a final generative art project and receiving feedback from instructors and peers.
Module #26
Bonus:Generative Art and Music
Using generative art techniques to create music and soundscapes.
Module #27
Bonus:Generative Art and Poetry
Using generative art techniques to create poetry and literature.
Module #28
Bonus:Generative Art and Fashion
Using generative art techniques to create fashion designs and textiles.
Module #29
Next Steps and Career Development
Exploring career paths and next steps in generative art.
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Generative Art Techniques career

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