77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Generative Design Techniques
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Generative Design
Overview of generative design, its applications, and benefits.
Module #2
Fundamentals of Algorithmic Design
Basic concepts of algorithmic design, including rules, constraints, and iteration.
Module #3
Parametric Design Principles
Introduction to parametric design, including variables, parameters, and relationships.
Module #4
Introduction to Grasshopper
Hands-on introduction to Grasshopper, a popular parametric design tool.
Module #5
Grasshopper Basics:Components and Functions
Exploring Grasshoppers components, functions, and data types.
Module #6
Generative Geometry
Creating and manipulating geometric shapes using algorithms and Grasshopper.
Module #7
Working with Curves and Surfaces
Understanding and working with curves and surfaces in generative design.
Module #8
Data-Driven Design
Using data to drive design decisions and create responsive systems.
Module #9
Introduction to Computational Design
Overview of computational design, including programming languages and concepts.
Module #10
Python for Generative Design
Introduction to Python programming for generative design applications.
Module #11
Designing with Nature:Biomimicry and Evolutionary Principles
Exploring biomimicry and evolutionary principles in generative design.
Module #12
Generative Urban Planning
Applying generative design techniques to urban planning and architecture.
Module #13
Generative Product Design
Using generative design to create innovative product designs and solutions.
Module #14
Materiality and Fabrication
Exploring the relationship between generative design and materiality/fabrication.
Module #15
Human-Centered Generative Design
Designing for human experience and behavior using generative design techniques.
Module #16
Collaborative Generative Design
Working in teams and with other stakeholders to develop generative design solutions.
Module #17
Generative Design for Sustainability
Using generative design to create sustainable and environmentally conscious solutions.
Module #18
Generative Design for Accessibility
Designing for accessibility and inclusivity using generative design techniques.
Module #19
Generative Design for Emerging Technologies
Exploring the role of generative design in emerging technologies like AR, VR, and AI.
Module #20
Advanced Grasshopper Techniques
Exploring advanced Grasshopper techniques, including scripting and visual programming.
Module #21
Generative Design for Data Visualization
Using generative design to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations.
Module #22
Generative Design for Architectural Façades
Applying generative design techniques to architectural façade design and optimization.
Module #23
Generative Design for Structural Systems
Using generative design to optimize structural systems and materials.
Module #24
Generative Design for Acoustics and Sound
Exploring the application of generative design to acoustics and sound design.
Module #25
Generative Design for Lighting Design
Using generative design to create innovative and optimized lighting design solutions.
Module #26
Case Studies in Generative Design
In-depth exploration of real-world generative design projects and applications.
Module #27
Best Practices in Generative Design
Industry expert insights on best practices, workflows, and design principles.
Module #28
Future of Generative Design
Exploring the future of generative design, including emerging trends and technologies.
Module #29
Generative Design Tools and Software
Introduction to other generative design tools and software, including Dynamo, Revit, and more.
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Generative Design Techniques career

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