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Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

High School World History
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to World History
Exploring the importance of studying world history, key themes, and historical periods
Module #2
Early Humans and the Emergence of Civilizations
The development of early human societies, Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, and the rise of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley
Module #3
Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean
The rise and fall of ancient Greece, Rome, and other Mediterranean civilizations, including their cultural achievements and legacies
Module #4
The Rise of Major Religions
The origins, beliefs, and spread of major religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism
Module #5
The Middle Ages in Europe and Asia
Feudalism, the Crusades, and the Black Death in Europe, alongside the development of Islamic empires and dynasties in Asia
Module #6
The Renaissance and the Age of Exploration
Cultural and artistic developments in Europe, alongside the discovery and colonization of the Americas
Module #7
The Enlightenment and the Emergence of Nation-States
The impact of the Enlightenment on modern thought, the rise of nation-states, and the development of modern political ideologies
Module #8
The French Revolution and Napoleon
The causes, course, and consequences of the French Revolution, including Napoleons rise and fall
Module #9
The Industrial Revolution
The transformation of the economy and society through the development of new technologies and industrialization
Module #10
Imperialism and Colonialism
The scramble for Africa, European imperialism, and the impact of colonialism on non-Western societies
Module #11
World War I:Causes, Course, and Consequences
The lead-up to, fighting of, and aftermath of World War I, including the Treaty of Versailles and the Russian Revolution
Module #12
The Rise of Totalitarian Regimes
The development of fascist, Nazi, and communist regimes in Europe, including their ideologies and policies
Module #13
World War II:Causes, Course, and Consequences
The lead-up to, fighting of, and aftermath of World War II, including the Holocaust and the formation of the United Nations
Module #14
The Cold War
The rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, including proxy wars, propaganda, and espionage
Module #15
Nationalist Movements and Decolonization
The rise of nationalist movements in Asia and Africa, and the process of decolonization and independence
Module #16
The Modern Middle East
The formation of modern nation-states in the Middle East, including the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Iranian Revolution
Module #17
Globalization and Economic Systems
The rise of globalization, including international trade, finance, and the growth of multinational corporations
Module #18
Environmental and Social Issues
The impact of human activity on the environment, and the struggles for human rights, social justice, and equality
Module #19
The Contemporary World
Current global issues, including terrorism, refugee crises, and the rise of new economic powers
Module #20
Latin America and the Caribbean
The history and cultural heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean, including colonialism, independence, and modern developments
Module #21
Sub-Saharan Africa
The history and cultural heritage of sub-Saharan Africa, including ancient civilizations, colonialism, and modern developments
Module #22
South and Southeast Asia
The history and cultural heritage of South and Southeast Asia, including ancient civilizations, colonialism, and modern developments
Module #23
East Asia
The history and cultural heritage of East Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea, from ancient times to the present day
Module #24
Case Studies in World History
In-depth explorations of specific historical events, trends, or themes, using primary sources and historical thinking skills
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in High School World History career

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