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Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Interactive Data Visualizations with Python
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Interactive Data Visualizations
Overview of interactive data visualizations, importance, and applications
Module #2
Setting up the Environment
Installing Python, Jupyter Notebook, and essential libraries for data visualization
Module #3
Introduction to Python for Data Visualization
Basic Python concepts, data structures, and libraries for data visualization
Module #4
Data Preprocessing for Visualization
Importing, cleaning, and preparing data for visualization
Module #5
Introduction to Matplotlib
Basics of Matplotlib, creating simple plots, and customizing visualizations
Module #6
Matplotlib:Advanced Topics
Creating complex plots, animations, and 3D visualizations with Matplotlib
Module #7
Introduction to Seaborn
Basics of Seaborn, visualizing statistical relationships, and categorical data
Module #8
Seaborn:Advanced Topics
Creating informative and attractive statistical graphics with Seaborn
Module #9
Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh
Introduction to Bokeh, creating interactive plots, and dashboards
Module #10
Bokeh:Advanced Topics
Creating custom widgets, linked brushing, and advanced interactivity with Bokeh
Module #11
Introduction to Plotly
Basics of Plotly, creating interactive 2D and 3D plots, and dashboards
Module #12
Plotly:Advanced Topics
Creating custom layouts, animations, and interactive visualizations with Plotly
Module #13
Data Exploration with Pandas and NumPy
Using Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation, filtering, and grouping
Module #14
Interactive Visualizations with Altair
Introduction to Altair, creating interactive visualizations, and statistical graphics
Module #15
Geospatial Visualizations
Visualizing geospatial data with Folium, Plotly, and Bokeh
Module #16
Visualizing Network Data
Visualizing network data with NetworkX, Matplotlib, and Plotly
Module #17
Best Practices for Interactive Data Visualization
Design principles, color theory, and accessibility in interactive data visualization
Module #18
Deploying Interactive Visualizations
Deploying interactive visualizations to the web, GitHub Pages, and Jupyter Notebook Viewer
Module #19
Case Study:Interactive Data Visualization in Business
Real-world application of interactive data visualization in business and finance
Module #20
Case Study:Interactive Data Visualization in Science
Real-world application of interactive data visualization in science and research
Module #21
Advanced Topics in Interactive Data Visualization
Advanced topics, such as interactive 3D visualizations, and virtual reality
Module #22
Working with Big Data for Interactive Visualizations
Using big data technologies, such as Apache Spark, for interactive data visualization
Module #23
Interactive Data Visualization with Machine Learning
Using machine learning algorithms for interactive data visualization and storytelling
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Interactive Data Visualizations with Python career

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