77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Introduction to AutoCAD
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to AutoCAD
Overview of AutoCAD, its history, and its applications
Module #2
Downloading and Installing AutoCAD
Step-by-step guide to downloading and installing AutoCAD
Module #3
Getting Familiar with the AutoCAD Interface
Understanding the different components of the AutoCAD interface
Module #4
Understanding Units and Dimensions
Setting up units and dimensions in AutoCAD
Module #5
Basic Drawing Commands
Introduction to basic drawing commands such as LINE, CIRCLE, and RECTANGLE
Module #6
Using the LINE Command
In-depth look at the LINE command, including its options and applications
Module #7
Using the CIRCLE and ARC Commands
In-depth look at the CIRCLE and ARC commands, including their options and applications
Module #8
Drawing Shapes and Polygons
Using the POLYGON and RECTANGLE commands to draw complex shapes
Module #9
Using the OBJECT SNAP (OSNAP) Tool
Using the OSNAP tool to accurately place objects in your drawing
Module #10
Understanding Coordinate Systems
Introduction to Cartesian coordinates and their application in AutoCAD
Module #11
Using the MOVE and COPY Commands
Moving and copying objects in your drawing
Module #12
Using the ROTATE and SCALE Commands
Rotating and scaling objects in your drawing
Module #13
Introduction to Layers
Understanding the concept of layers and how to create and manage them
Module #14
Layer Properties and Settings
Customizing layer properties and settings
Module #15
Organizing Your Drawing with Blocks
Creating and using blocks to organize your drawing
Module #16
Understanding Text and Dimensioning
Introduction to text and dimensioning in AutoCAD
Module #17
Creating and Editing Text
In-depth look at creating and editing text in AutoCAD
Module #18
Creating and Editing Dimensions
In-depth look at creating and editing dimensions in AutoCAD
Module #19
Using the TRIM and EXTEND Commands
Using the TRIM and EXTEND commands to modify objects
Module #20
Using the OFFSET Command
Using the OFFSET command to create parallel lines and curves
Module #21
Introduction to Hatching and Gradients
Creating hatches and gradients to add visual interest to your drawings
Module #22
Creating and Editing Hatches
In-depth look at creating and editing hatches in AutoCAD
Module #23
Creating and Editing Gradients
In-depth look at creating and editing gradients in AutoCAD
Module #24
Working with Images and Xrefs
Inserting and manipulating images and external references (Xrefs)
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Introduction to AutoCAD career

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