77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Introduction to Sociology
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
What is Sociology?
Defining sociology, its importance, and its relationship to other social sciences
Module #2
Sociological Imagination
Understanding the concept of sociological imagination and its application in everyday life
Module #3
Sociology Theories
Introduction to major sociological theories:Conflict, Functionalism, and Symbolic Interactionism
Module #4
Research Methods in Sociology
Overview of research methods in sociology:quantitative and qualitative approaches
Module #5
Social Structure
Understanding social structure:institutions, groups, and social networks
Module #6
Social Institutions
Family, education, religion, and economy:their roles and functions in society
Module #7
Demography and Population
Understanding population growth, composition, and migration:their impact on society
Module #8
Social Interactions
Understanding social interactions:socialization, roles, and social norms
Module #9
Social Groups
Formation, types, and dynamics of social groups:primary and secondary groups
Module #10
Social Stratification
Understanding social inequality:class, race, gender, and their intersectionalities
Module #11
Race and Ethnicity
Understanding race and ethnicity:their social construction and impact on society
Module #12
Gender and Sexuality
Understanding gender and sexuality:their social construction and impact on society
Module #13
Aging and Life Course
Understanding the life course:aging, aging and society, and ageism
Module #14
Deviance and Crime
Understanding deviance and crime:their definitions, theories, and consequences
Module #15
Social Control and Social Change
Understanding social control:informal and formal mechanisms, and social change:types and drivers
Module #16
Social Movements
Understanding social movements:their types, emergence, and impact on society
Module #17
Globalization and Society
Understanding globalization:its definition, drivers, and impact on society
Module #18
Urbanization and Environment
Understanding urbanization:its definition, drivers, and impact on environment and society
Module #19
Health and Illness
Understanding health and illness:their social construction and impact on society
Module #20
Work and Economy
Understanding work and economy:their social construction and impact on society
Module #21
Politics and Government
Understanding politics and government:their social construction and impact on society
Module #22
Social Policy and Welfare
Understanding social policy and welfare:their definition, types, and impact on society
Module #23
Education and Society
Understanding education:its social construction and impact on society
Module #24
Religion and Society
Understanding religion:its social construction and impact on society
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Introduction to Sociology career

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