77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Maritime Law and Policy
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Maritime Law
Overview of the importance of maritime law, historical development, and key concepts
Module #2
International Conventions and Organizations
Overview of international organizations such as the IMO, UNCTAD, and ILO, and key conventions such as UNCLOS and MARPOL
Module #3
Jurisdiction and Sovereignty
Concepts of jurisdiction and sovereignty at sea, including territorial waters, contiguous zone, and high seas
Module #4
Flag State Responsibility
Rights and obligations of flag states, including registration, nationality, and jurisdiction over vessels
Module #5
Port State Control
Role of port states in enforcing international maritime law, including inspection and detention of vessels
Module #6
Maritime Safety and Security
International regulations and standards for safety and security, including SOLAS and ISPS Code
Module #7
Marine Environmental Protection
International regulations and standards for marine pollution prevention, including MARPOL and OPRC
Module #8
Marine Insurance and Liability
Principles of marine insurance, liability for damage, and limitation of liability
Module #9
Carriage of Goods by Sea
International conventions and national laws governing carriage of goods, including Hague-Visby Rules and Rotterdam Rules
Module #10
Charterparties and Bills of Lading
Types of charterparties and bills of lading, including voyage charters, time charters, and waybills
Module #11
Maritime Dispute Resolution
Methods of dispute resolution, including arbitration, mediation, and litigation
Module #12
Salvage and Wreck Removal
International regulations and national laws governing salvage and wreck removal
Module #13
Marine Pollution Response and Compensation
International conventions and national laws governing response to and compensation for marine pollution
Module #14
Criminal Jurisdiction at Sea
International and national laws governing criminal jurisdiction at sea, including piracy and drug trafficking
Module #15
Maritime Labour Law
International conventions and national laws governing working conditions, safety, and welfare of seafarers
Module #16
Maritime Boundary Disputes
International law and practice regarding maritime boundary disputes, including delimitation and demarcation
Module #17
Offshore Oil and Gas Activities
International and national laws governing offshore oil and gas activities, including exploration, production, and transportation
Module #18
Maritime Trade and Economic Law
International and national laws governing maritime trade, including WTO, GATT, and trade agreements
Module #19
Maritime Cybersecurity
International and national regulations and guidelines for cybersecurity in the maritime sector
Module #20
Sustainable Maritime Development
International and national initiatives and policies for sustainable maritime development, including green shipping and blue economy
Module #21
Maritime Policy and Governance
National and international approaches to maritime policy and governance, including coordination and cooperation
Module #22
Maritime Security Threats and Challenges
Emerging threats and challenges to maritime security, including terrorism, piracy, and armed robbery
Module #23
Maritime Human Rights
International and national laws and policies governing human rights in the maritime sector, including migrant workers and refugees
Module #24
Maritime Education and Training
International and national standards and regulations for maritime education and training, including STCW and MET
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Maritime Law and Policy career

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