77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Electromagnetics
Overview of electromagnetic theory, Maxwells equations, and importance of numerical methods
Module #2
Numerical Methods Overview
Introduction to numerical methods, advantages, and limitations
Module #3
Finite Difference Method
Basic concepts, discretization, and implementation of finite difference method
Module #4
Finite Difference Method:1D Electrostatic Problems
Applications of finite difference method to 1D electrostatic problems
Module #5
Finite Difference Method:2D Electrostatic Problems
Applications of finite difference method to 2D electrostatic problems
Module #6
Finite Element Method
Basic concepts, discretization, and implementation of finite element method
Module #7
Finite Element Method:1D Electrostatic Problems
Applications of finite element method to 1D electrostatic problems
Module #8
Finite Element Method:2D Electrostatic Problems
Applications of finite element method to 2D electrostatic problems
Module #9
Method of Moments
Basic concepts, discretization, and implementation of method of moments
Module #10
Method of Moments:Electrostatic Problems
Applications of method of moments to electrostatic problems
Module #11
Numerical Solution of Maxwells Equations
Discretization and solution of Maxwells equations using numerical methods
Module #12
Time-Domain Numerical Methods
Introduction to time-domain numerical methods, including FDTD and TLM
Module #13
Frequency-Domain Numerical Methods
Introduction to frequency-domain numerical methods, including FEM and MoM
Module #14
Scattering and Radiation Problems
Numerical solution of scattering and radiation problems using various methods
Module #15
Computational Electromagnetics in MATLAB
Implementation of numerical methods in MATLAB, including scripting and visualization
Module #16
Computational Electromagnetics in COMSOL
Implementation of numerical methods in COMSOL, including modeling and simulation
Module #17
Validation and Verification
Importance and techniques for validation and verification of numerical results
Module #18
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic compatibility and interference
Module #19
Numerical Methods in Antenna Design
Applications of numerical methods in antenna design and optimization
Module #20
Numerical Methods in Microwave Engineering
Applications of numerical methods in microwave engineering and device design
Module #21
Advanced Topics in Numerical Electromagnetics
Discussion of advanced topics, including parallel computing and GPU acceleration
Module #22
Case Studies in Numerical Electromagnetics
Real-world case studies and applications of numerical methods in electromagnetics
Module #23
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Imaging
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic imaging and non-destructive testing
Module #24
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Electromagnetics
Applications of numerical methods in biomedical electromagnetics and medical imaging
Module #25
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Modeling of Materials
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic modeling of materials and metamaterials
Module #26
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Optimization
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic optimization and inverse problems
Module #27
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Uncertainty Quantification
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis
Module #28
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Simulation of Complex Systems
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic simulation of complex systems and platforms
Module #29
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Design and Optimization
Applications of numerical methods in electromagnetic design and optimization of devices and systems
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics career

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