77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Optimization Techniques and Numerical Solutions
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Optimization
Overview of optimization, types of optimization problems, and importance in real-world applications
Module #2
Linear Programming
Introduction to linear programming, graphical method, and simplex method
Module #3
Linear Programming:Duality Theory
Duality theory, dual simplex method, and applications
Module #4
Integer Programming
Introduction to integer programming, branch and bound method, and cutting plane method
Module #5
Dynamic Programming
Introduction to dynamic programming, principle of optimality, and applications
Module #6
Unconstrained Optimization
Introduction to unconstrained optimization, gradient descent, and Newtons method
Module #7
Constrained Optimization
Introduction to constrained optimization, Lagrange multipliers, and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
Module #8
Gradient-Based Optimization Methods
Gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and quasi-Newton methods
Module #9
Newton-based Optimization Methods
Newtons method, quasi-Newton methods, and trust-region methods
Module #10
Conjugate Gradient Method
Introduction to conjugate gradient method and its applications
Module #11
Numerical Solution of Linear Systems
Direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems
Module #12
Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Systems
Bisection method, Newtons method, and fixed-point iteration for nonlinear systems
Module #13
Interpolation and Approximation
Introduction to interpolation and approximation, polynomial interpolation, and spline interpolation
Module #14
Numerical Differentiation and Integration
Numerical differentiation, numerical integration, and Gaussian quadrature
Module #15
Optimization under Uncertainty
Introduction to optimization under uncertainty, probability theory, and uncertainty propagation
Module #16
Stochastic Optimization Methods
Introduction to stochastic optimization methods, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms
Module #17
Introduction to metaheuristics, ant colony optimization, and particle swarm optimization
Module #18
Case Studies in Optimization
Real-world applications of optimization techniques in fields such as logistics, finance, and energy
Module #19
Numerical Implementation of Optimization Algorithms
Implementation of optimization algorithms using Python, MATLAB, or other programming languages
Module #20
Optimization Software and Tools
Overview of optimization software and tools, such as Gurobi, CPLEX, and Python libraries
Module #21
Advanced Topics in Optimization
Advanced topics in optimization, such as semidefinite programming and sum of squares optimization
Module #22
Optimization in Machine Learning
Optimization techniques used in machine learning, such as gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent
Module #23
Optimization in Data Science
Optimization techniques used in data science, such as recommendation systems and clustering
Module #24
Optimization in Engineering
Optimization techniques used in engineering, such as structural optimization and control systems
Module #25
Multiobjective Optimization
Introduction to multiobjective optimization, Pareto optimality, and multiobjective evolutionary algorithms
Module #26
Robust Optimization
Introduction to robust optimization, robust linear programming, and uncertainty sets
Module #27
Stochastic Dynamic Programming
Introduction to stochastic dynamic programming, Markov decision processes, and approximate dynamic programming
Module #28
Risk-Averse Optimization
Introduction to risk-averse optimization, risk measures, and robust risk-averse optimization
Module #29
Optimization in Finance
Optimization techniques used in finance, such as portfolio optimization and risk management
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Optimization Techniques and Numerical Solutions career

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