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Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Philosophy of Space-Time in Physics
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Philosophy of Space-Time
Overview of the course, importance of philosophy in physics, and historical context.
Module #2
Classical Notions of Space and Time
Review of classical concepts of space and time, including Aristotelian and Newtonian perspectives.
Module #3
The Rise of Relativity
Introduction to Einsteins theory of special relativity and its philosophical implications.
Module #4
The Meaning of Time Dilation
Philosophical analysis of time dilation, including discussions of simultaneity and the nature of time.
Module #5
The Geometry of Space-Time
Mathematical and philosophical exploration of the geometry of space-time, including non-Euclidean geometries.
Module #6
The Problem of Spacetime Singularities
Discussion of the philosophical implications of spacetime singularities, including black holes and the Big Bang.
Module #7
Causality and the Direction of Time
Philosophical analysis of causality and the arrow of time, including discussions of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
Module #8
The Metric of Space-Time
Philosophical examination of the concept of a metric in space-time, including discussions of gauge invariance and diffeomorphism invariance.
Module #9
The Role of Frames of Reference
Discussion of the philosophical significance of frames of reference in physics, including issues of relativity and objectivity.
Module #10
Quantum Mechanics and Space-Time
Introduction to the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics for our understanding of space-time.
Module #11
Wave Function Collapse and Space-Time
Philosophical analysis of wave function collapse and its implications for our understanding of space-time and locality.
Module #12
Non-Locality and Quantum Entanglement
Discussion of the philosophical implications of non-locality and quantum entanglement for our understanding of space-time.
Module #13
The Challenge of Quantum Gravity
Introduction to the problem of reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity, and the implications for our understanding of space-time.
Module #14
Causal Dynamical Triangulation
Philosophical examination of causal dynamical triangulation as a potential solution to the problem of quantum gravity.
Module #15
Asymptotic Safety and the Nature of Space-Time
Discussion of the philosophical implications of asymptotic safety as a theory of quantum gravity.
Module #16
The Problem of Time in Quantum Gravity
Philosophical analysis of the problem of time in quantum gravity, including discussions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation.
Module #17
The Philosophy of Space-Time and Cosmology
Discussion of the philosophical implications of cosmology for our understanding of space-time, including issues of multiverse hypotheses and eternal inflation.
Module #18
The Nature of Space-Time and the Mind-Body Problem
Philosophical exploration of the relationship between space-time and the mind-body problem, including discussions of panpsychism and dualism.
Module #19
The Implications of Space-Time for Free Will
Discussion of the philosophical implications of space-time for our understanding of free will and moral responsibility.
Module #20
The Role of Mathematics in Space-Time Physics
Philosophical examination of the role of mathematics in space-time physics, including discussions of realism and nominalism.
Module #21
The Problem of Underdetermination in Space-Time Physics
Discussion of the philosophical implications of underdetermination in space-time physics, including issues of theory choice and empirical equivalence.
Module #22
The Philosophy of Space-Time and the Foundations of Physics
Philosophical analysis of the foundations of physics and the implications for our understanding of space-time.
Module #23
The Relationship Between Space-Time and Causation
Discussion of the philosophical implications of space-time for our understanding of causation and causal relationships.
Module #24
The Implications of Space-Time for Our Understanding of Reality
Philosophical exploration of the implications of space-time for our understanding of reality, including discussions of realism and anti-realism.
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Philosophy of Space-Time in Physics career

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