77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Process Optimization in Chemical Engineering
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Process Optimization
Overview of process optimization, importance, and applications in chemical engineering
Module #2
Process Optimization Fundamentals
Definitions, types, and benefits of process optimization; optimization terminology
Module #3
Process Modeling and Simulation
Introduction to process modeling, types of models, and simulation tools (e.g., Aspen Plus, COMSOL)
Module #4
Optimization Problem Formulation
Defining optimization problems, objective functions, constraints, and decision variables
Module #5
Linear Programming (LP) Basics
Introduction to LP, graphical method, and Simplex algorithm
Module #6
Linear Programming Applications
LP applications in chemical engineering, including blending, allocation, and scheduling
Module #7
Integer Programming (IP) and Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP)
Introduction to IP and MIP, branch-and-bound method, and applications
Module #8
Nonlinear Programming (NLP) Basics
Introduction to NLP, unconstrained and constrained optimization, and gradient-based methods
Module #9
Nonlinear Programming Applications
NLP applications in chemical engineering, including process design and operation
Module #10
Dynamic Optimization
Introduction to dynamic optimization, model predictive control, and application to chemical processes
Module #11
Stochastic Optimization
Introduction to stochastic optimization, Monte Carlo methods, and application to chemical engineering
Module #12
Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms
Introduction to metaheuristics, genetic algorithms, and particle swarm optimization
Module #13
Process Optimization Software
Overview of process optimization software, including GAMS, MILP, and optimization libraries
Module #14
Optimization in Process Design
Application of optimization techniques in process design, including flowsheet optimization
Module #15
Optimization in Process Operation
Application of optimization techniques in process operation, including real-time optimization
Module #16
Optimization in Supply Chain Management
Application of optimization techniques in supply chain management, including inventory control
Module #17
Optimization in Process Intensification
Application of optimization techniques in process intensification, including multifunctional reactors
Module #18
Optimization in Energy Systems
Application of optimization techniques in energy systems, including power plants and renewable energy
Module #19
Optimization in Water Management
Application of optimization techniques in water management, including water networks and wastewater treatment
Module #20
Optimization in Environmental Systems
Application of optimization techniques in environmental systems, including air pollution control
Module #21
Case Studies in Process Optimization
Real-world case studies of process optimization in various industries
Module #22
Economic Analysis and Optimization
Economic analysis and optimization of chemical processes, including cost estimation and profit optimization
Module #23
Uncertainty Analysis and Optimization
Uncertainty analysis and optimization of chemical processes, including sensitivity analysis and robust optimization
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Process Optimization in Chemical Engineering career

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