77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Quantum Mechanics
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
An overview of the history and principles of Quantum Mechanics, including the limitations of Classical Mechanics and the wave-particle duality
Module #2
Wave Functions and Probability Amplitudes
The mathematical framework of Quantum Mechanics, including wave functions, probability amplitudes, and the Schrödinger equation
Module #3
Observables and Measurements
The concept of observables, measurement, and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Module #4
Schrödingers Equation and Stationary States
Solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation for stationary states and energy eigenvalues
Module #5
Particle in a Box and the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
Applications of the Schrödinger equation to simple systems:particle in a box and the quantum harmonic oscillator
Module #6
Angular Momentum and Spin
The concept of angular momentum, spin, and the Stern-Gerlach experiment
Module #7
Central Potentials and Hydrogen Atom
Solving the Schrödinger equation for central potentials, including the hydrogen atom
Module #8
Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation
Solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for time-evolution of quantum systems
Module #9
Interference and Superposition
The principles of interference and superposition in quantum systems, including the double-slit experiment
Module #10
Entanglement and EPR Paradox
The concept of entanglement, the EPR paradox, and Bells theorem
Module #11
Quantum Systems and Measurements
The principles of quantum measurement, including the measurement problem and decoherence
Module #12
-many particle systems and Fermions
The principles of many-particle systems, including Fermions and the Pauli exclusion principle
Module #13
Bosons and Symmetrization
The principles of many-particle systems, including Bosons and symmetrization
Module #14
Quantum Field Theory and Creation/Annihilation Operators
An introduction to quantum field theory, including creation and annihilation operators
Module #15
Scattering and Feynman Diagrams
The principles of scattering theory, including Feynman diagrams and the Born approximation
Module #16
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
An introduction to quantum computation, including qubits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms
Module #17
Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Cryptography
The principles of quantum error correction and quantum cryptography
Module #18
Quantum Systems in Electromagnetic Fields
The interaction of quantum systems with electromagnetic fields, including Zeeman effect and Stark effect
Module #19
Quantum Systems in Magnetic Fields
The interaction of quantum systems with magnetic fields, including Landau levels and Aharonov-Bohm effect
Module #20
Quantum Systems in Periodic Potentials
The interaction of quantum systems with periodic potentials, including band structure and Bloch theorem
Module #21
Quantum Systems in Disordered Systems
The principles of quantum systems in disordered systems, including localization and Anderson transition
Module #22
Many-Body Localization and Quantum Phase Transitions
The principles of many-body localization and quantum phase transitions
Module #23
Experimental Techniques in Quantum Mechanics
An overview of experimental techniques in quantum mechanics, including spectroscopy and interferometry
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Quantum Mechanics career

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