77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Real-Time Collision Detection and Response
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Collision Detection
Overview of collision detection, its importance in game development, and course objectives
Module #2
Mathematical Foundations
Review of essential mathematical concepts:vectors, matrices, and spatial transforms
Module #3
Collision Detection Fundamentals
Basic concepts of collision detection:bounding volumes, sweep and prune, and spatial partitioning
Module #4
Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABBs)
Implementation of AABBs for collision detection in 2D and 3D space
Module #5
Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBBs)
Implementation of OBBs for collision detection in 2D and 3D space
Module #6
Sphere Collision Detection
Implementation of sphere collision detection for efficient broad-phase collision detection
Module #7
BSP Trees and K-D Trees
Implementation of BSP trees and K-D trees for efficient spatial partitioning
Module #8
Ray Casting and Ray-AABB Intersection
Implementation of ray casting and ray-AABB intersection for collision detection and response
Module #9
Collision Response Fundamentals
Basic concepts of collision response:impulse-based response, penalty-based response, and constraint-based response
Module #10
Impulse-Based Response
Implementation of impulse-based response for 2D and 3D collisions
Module #11
Penalty-Based Response
Implementation of penalty-based response for 2D and 3D collisions
Module #12
Constraint-Based Response
Implementation of constraint-based response for 2D and 3D collisions
Module #13
Continuous Collision Detection
Implementation of continuous collision detection for fast-moving objects
Module #14
Collision Detection for Complex Shapes
Implementation of collision detection for complex shapes using techniques such as GJK and EPA
Module #15
Collision Filtering and Masking
Implementation of collision filtering and masking for efficient collision detection
Module #16
Real-Time Collision Detection for Games
Optimization techniques for real-time collision detection in game development
Module #17
Physics Engines and Collision Detection
Overview of popular physics engines and their collision detection implementations
Module #18
Advanced Topics in Collision Detection
Advanced topics such as collision detection for deformable objects and soft body simulations
Module #19
Collision Detection for Multiplayer Games
Considerations and optimization techniques for collision detection in multiplayer game development
Module #20
Debugging and Profiling Collision Detection
Techniques for debugging and profiling collision detection implementations
Module #21
Case Studies:Collision Detection in Real-World Applications
Real-world examples and case studies of collision detection in various industries
Module #22
Best Practices and Design Patterns
Best practices and design patterns for designing and implementing collision detection systems
Module #23
Collision Detection for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Special considerations and optimization techniques for collision detection in VR and AR applications
Module #24
Collision Detection for Physics-Based Animation
Implementation of collision detection for physics-based animation and simulations
Module #25
Machine Learning and Collision Detection
Applications of machine learning in collision detection and response
Module #26
Collision Detection for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Special considerations and optimization techniques for collision detection in robotics and autonomous systems
Module #27
Collision Detection for Medical and Healthcare Applications
Applications and considerations of collision detection in medical and healthcare industries
Module #28
Future Directions and Research in Collision Detection
Overview of current research and future directions in collision detection and response
Module #29
Final Project:Implementing a Real-Time Collision Detection System
Guided project to implement a real-time collision detection system using learned concepts
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Real-Time Collision Detection and Response career

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