77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Rigid Body Dynamics in Game Physics
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Rigid Body Dynamics
Overview of rigid body dynamics, importance in game physics, and course objectives
Module #2
Mathematical Preliminaries
Review of vectors, matrices, and quaternions; mathematical concepts necessary for understanding rigid body dynamics
Module #3
Rigid Body Definition and Properties
Definition of a rigid body, position, orientation, and linear and angular velocity
Module #4
Coordinate Systems and Frames
World, local, and intermediate coordinate systems; importance of frame selection in rigid body dynamics
Module #5
Rotation Representations
Euler angles, rotation matrices, and quaternions; advantages and disadvantages of each representation
Module #6
Angular Velocity and Acceleration
Definition and calculation of angular velocity and acceleration; importance in rigid body dynamics
Module #7
Linear Velocity and Acceleration
Definition and calculation of linear velocity and acceleration; importance in rigid body dynamics
Module #8
Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
Description of rigid body motion; forward and inverse kinematics
Module #9
Forces and Torques
Types of forces and torques; calculation of net force and torque
Module #10
Newtons Laws of Motion
Application of Newtons laws to rigid body dynamics; F=ma and τ=Iα
Module #11
Energy and Momentum
Kinetic and potential energy; linear and angular momentum; conservation laws
Module #12
Rigid Body Collisions
Types of collisions; calculation of impulse and impulse response
Module #13
Collision Detection
Algorithms for detecting collisions between rigid bodies; spherical, rectangular, and polygonal shapes
Module #14
Collision Response
Methods for responding to collisions; impulse-based and penalty-based approaches
Module #15
Joint Constraints
Definition and implementation of joint constraints; ball-and-socket, hinge, and slider joints
Module #16
Rigid Body Integration
Methods for integrating rigid body motion; Euler, Verlet, and Runge-Kutta integrators
Module #17
Stability and Performance
Techniques for improving stability and performance in rigid body simulations
Module #18
Physics Engines and Tools
Overview of popular physics engines and tools; integration with game engines
Module #19
Vehicle Physics
Specialized topics in vehicle physics; car, airplane, and boat simulations
Module #20
Character Physics
Specialized topics in character physics; humanoid, ragdoll, and skeleton simulations
Module #21
deformable Bodies
Introduction to deformable bodies; cloth, hair, and soft body simulations
Module #22
Advanced Topics in Rigid Body Dynamics
Advanced topics in rigid body dynamics; friction, restitution, and contact points
Module #23
Case Studies and Projects
Real-world examples and projects demonstrating application of rigid body dynamics in game physics
Module #24
Optimization and Debugging
Techniques for optimizing and debugging rigid body simulations
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Rigid Body Dynamics in Game Physics career

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