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Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Set Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematics
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Set Theory
Overview of set theory, its history, and importance in mathematics
Module #2
Basic Set Operations
Set union, intersection, difference, and Cartesian product
Module #3
Sets and Logic
Predicate logic, quantifiers, and set notation
Module #4
Relations and Functions
Binary relations, partial orders, and functions
Module #5
Order Theory
Partially ordered sets, well-orders, and ordinal numbers
Module #6
Zermelo-Fraenkel Axioms
The axiomatic foundation of set theory, including the axiom of choice
Module #7
Russells Paradox and Type Theory
The importance of type theory in avoiding paradoxes
Module #8
Cantors Diagonal Argument
The uncountability of the real numbers and Cantors diagonalization method
Module #9
Cardinality and Ordinality
The distinction between cardinal and ordinal numbers
Module #10
Philosophy of Mathematics:Introduction
Overview of the philosophy of mathematics, its branches, and key debates
Module #11
Mathematical Realism
The view that mathematical objects exist independently of humans
Module #12
Mathematical Anti-Realism
The view that mathematical truths are human constructs
Module #13
The view that mathematics is a game of symbols and rules
Module #14
The view that mathematics is about structural relationships
Module #15
The view that mathematical truth is based on human intuition
Module #16
The Nature of Mathematical Objects
The question of what mathematical objects are and how they exist
Module #17
Platonism vs. Nominalism
The debate over whether mathematical objects have an objective existence
Module #18
The Role of Axioms in Mathematics
The importance of axioms in shaping mathematical theories
Module #19
The Foundations of Mathematics
The quest for a rigorous foundation for mathematics
Module #20
Gödels Incompleteness Theorems
The impact of Gödels theorems on the foundations of mathematics
Module #21
The Philosophy of Set Theory
The philosophical implications of set theory, including the continuum hypothesis
Module #22
Alternative Set Theories
Non-standard set theories, such as intuitionistic set theory
Module #23
Applications of Set Theory
The use of set theory in computer science, logic, and other fields
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Set Theory and the Philosophy of Mathematics career

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