77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Storyboarding and Pre-Production for Animation
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
What is Storyboarding?
Introduction to the role of storyboarding in the animation production pipeline. Well explore the benefits and importance of storyboarding.
Module #2
Storyboarding Terminology
Learn the key terms and concepts used in storyboarding, including shot types, camera angles, and story beats.
Module #3
The Storyboarding Process
Overview of the storyboarding process, from script to final boards. Well cover the key stages and deliverables.
Module #4
Storyboarding Software and Tools
Introduction to popular storyboarding software and tools, including TVPaint Animation, Storyboard Pro, and Adobe Animate.
Module #5
Storyboarding for Animation vs. Live-Action
How storyboarding for animation differs from live-action, and the unique considerations for animated productions.
Module #6
Script Analysis for Storyboarding
How to analyze a script for key elements, such as character arcs, plot twists, and pacing.
Module #7
Identifying Story Beats
Techniques for identifying key story beats, including inciting incidents, turning points, and climaxes.
Module #8
Character Development and Design
How to develop and design characters, including their motivations, goals, and backstories.
Module #9
Script Breakdown and Scene Analysis
How to break down a script into individual scenes, and analyze each scene for key elements.
Module #10
Creating a Beat Board
How to create a beat board, a visual representation of the scripts key elements and story beats.
Module #11
Storyboarding Basics
Introduction to the fundamental elements of storyboarding, including shot composition, camera angles, and staging.
Module #12
Visual Storytelling
How to tell a story through visual elements, including character placement, action lines, and setting.
Module #13
Pacing and Timing
How to control the pacing and timing of a scene through storyboarding, including the use of varying shot lengths.
Module #14
Storyboarding for Emotional Impact
Techniques for using storyboarding to create emotional resonance, including the use of close-ups and reaction shots.
Module #15
Storyboarding for Action and Movement
How to storyboard action sequences, chases, and other dynamic scenes.
Module #16
Pre-Production Planning
Overview of the pre-production process, including scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation.
Module #17
Creating a Production Schedule
How to create a schedule for your animation production, including milestones and deadlines.
Module #18
Budgeting for Animation
Introduction to budgeting for animation productions, including estimating costs and allocating resources.
Module #19
Assembling a Production Team
How to build a production team, including identifying key roles and responsibilities.
Module #20
Location Scouting and Management
How to scout and manage locations for your animation production, including finding and securing locations.
Module #21
Advanced Storyboarding Techniques
Advanced techniques for storyboarding, including non-linear storytelling and complex camera movements.
Module #22
Storyboarding for Different Genres
How to adapt storyboarding techniques for different genres, including horror, comedy, and drama.
Module #23
Pre-Visualization and Animatics
How to create pre-visualizations and animatics to test and refine your storyboarding.
Module #24
Collaboration and Feedback
How to collaborate with directors, producers, and other stakeholders to refine your storyboarding.
Module #25
Troubleshooting Common Storyboarding Issues
How to identify and troubleshoot common issues in storyboarding, including pacing, character development, and continuity.
Module #26
Final Project:Creating a Storyboard
Guided project to create a complete storyboard for an animation concept.
Module #27
Final Project:Revisions and Feedback
Revising and refining your storyboard based on feedback and peer review.
Module #28
Final Project:Pre-Production Planning
Creating a pre-production plan for your animation concept, including scheduling, budgeting, and resource allocation.
Module #29
Final Project:Pitching and Presenting
How to pitch and present your storyboard and pre-production plan to stakeholders and investors.
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Storyboarding and Pre-Production for Animation career

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