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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

The Role of Logic in Mathematical Philosophy
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Overview of the discipline, its importance, and relevance to logic
Module #2
What is Logic?
Definition, branches, and types of logic; propositional and predicate logic
Module #3
The Foundations of Mathematics
A brief history of mathematics, from ancient Greece to modern times
Module #4
The Crisis of Foundations
The discovery of paradoxes and inconsistencies in mathematics
Module #5
The Role of Logic in Foundations
How logic can help resolve the crisis of foundations
Module #6
Formal Systems
Introduction to formal systems, syntax, and semantics
Module #7
Model Theory
The study of structures that satisfy a set of sentences
Module #8
Proof Theory
The study of proofs as objects, GentzensCut-Elimination Theorem
Module #9
Gödels Incompleteness Theorems
The two theorems, their implications, and impact on mathematical philosophy
Module #10
Tarskis Truth Theory
The concept of truth, Tarskis definition, and its implications
Module #11
Semantic Consequence
The concept of logical consequence, model-theoretic vs. proof-theoretic approaches
Module #12
The Liar Paradox
The paradox, its history, and proposed solutions
Module #13
Self-Reference and Truth
The importance of self-reference, the liar paradox, and Tarskis truth theory
Module #14
Higher-Order Logics
Introduction to higher-order logics, type theory, and their applications
Module #15
Categorical Logic
The categorical approach to logic, its relation to type theory and higher-order logics
Module #16
Intuitionistic Logic
The intuitionistic approach to logic, its relation to constructivism and proof theory
Module #17
Modal Logic
Introduction to modal logic, its application to epistemology and metaphysics
Module #18
Philosophical Applications of Logic
The role of logic in philosophical debates, such as free will and determinism
Module #19
The Nature of Truth
The concept of truth, its relation to logic, and the nature of reality
Module #20
The Limits of Logic
The limitations of logic, the role of intuition, and the importance of philosophical reflection
Module #21
Case Studies in Mathematical Philosophy
Applications of logic to specific areas of mathematics, such as set theory and category theory
Module #22
Current Research in Mathematical Philosophy
Recent developments, open problems, and future directions in the field
Module #23
Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics
The relationship between logic and the philosophy of mathematics, implications for our understanding of mathematical truth
Module #24
Logic and Epistemology
The role of logic in epistemology, the nature of knowledge, and the limits of human understanding
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in The Role of Logic in Mathematical Philosophy career

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