77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Understanding HTML and CSS for Web Design
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Web Design
Overview of web design principles, importance of HTML and CSS, and course objectives
Module #2
HTML Basics
Introduction to HTML, basic syntax, and structural elements
Module #3
HTML Semantic Elements
Semantic elements, headers, footers, navigation, and main content
Module #4
HTML Text and Inline Elements
Text formatting, inline elements, links, images, and lists
Module #5
HTML Tables and Forms
Creating tables, forms, and form elements in HTML
Module #6
Introduction to CSS
Basic concepts of CSS, selectors, properties, and values
Module #7
CSS Selectors and Properties
Types of selectors, CSS box model, and common properties
Module #8
CSS Layout and Positioning
Display types, positioning schemes, and layout techniques
Module #9
CSS Visual Styling
Colors, typography, backgrounds, and visual effects
Module #10
CSS Responsive Design
Media queries, flexible grids, and responsive design principles
Module #11
HTML and CSS Best Practices
Code organization, commenting, and debugging techniques
Module #12
Common HTML and CSS Mistakes
Common errors and how to avoid them
Module #13
Building a Basic Web Page
Hands-on exercise to build a simple web page using HTML and CSS
Module #14
Styling a Web Page with CSS
Hands-on exercise to add CSS styles to a web page
Module #15
Responsive Design in Practice
Hands-on exercise to create a responsive design
Module #16
Web Design Principles
Balance, contrast, alignment, and other design principles
Module #17
Accessibility in Web Design
Designing for accessibility, ARIA attributes, and accessibility guidelines
Module #18
Advanced CSS Topics
CSS grids, flexbox, and other advanced CSS topics
Module #19
Preprocessors and Frameworks
Introduction to Sass, Less, and popular CSS frameworks
Module #20
Browser Compatibility and Debugging
Cross-browser testing, debugging tools, and common issues
Module #21
Responsive Images and Media
Responsive images, video, and audio in web design
Module #22
Web Fonts and Typography
Web font formats, font loading, and typography best practices
Module #23
Building a Portfolio Website
Hands-on exercise to build a portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and design principles
Module #24
Intermediate Web Design Project
Hands-on exercise to build a more complex web design project
Module #25
Advanced Web Design Project
Hands-on exercise to build a advanced web design project
Module #26
Creating a Wireframe and Mockup
Introduction to wireframing and mockup tools
Module #27
Designing for User Experience
Designing for user experience, user flow, and interactive design
Module #28
Web Design for Mobile Devices
Designing for mobile devices, mobile-first approach, and mobile-specific design considerations
Module #29
Web Design for Accessibility
Designing for accessibility, accessibility guidelines, and accessibility testing
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Understanding HTML and CSS for Web Design career

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