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~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Version Control and Collaboration Tools
( 24 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Version Control
What is version control, and why is it important for collaboration?
Module #2
Git Basics
An overview of Git, including basic concepts and terminology
Module #3
Setting up Git
Installing and configuring Git on your local machine
Module #4
Basic Git Commands
Learn basic Git commands, such as init, add, commit, and log
Module #5
Git Branching
Understanding Git branching and how to use it for collaboration
Module #6
Git Workflow
Best practices for using Git in a team environment
Module #7
Git Remote Repositories
Working with remote Git repositories, including GitHub and GitLab
Module #8
GitHub and GitLab Basics
Overview of GitHub and GitLab features and functionality
Module #9
Collaborating with Git
How to collaborate with others using Git
Module #10
Git Conflicts and Resolutions
Handling conflicts when collaborating with Git
Module #11
Git Submodules
Using Git submodules to manage dependencies
Module #12
Git Hooks
Using Git hooks to automate tasks and enforce policies
Module #13
Introduction to Agile Development
Overview of Agile development methodologies and how version control fits in
Module #14
Version Control for Agile Teams
How to use version control to support agile development practices
Module #15
Collaboration Tools Overview
Overview of popular collaboration tools, including Jira, Trello, and Asana
Module #16
Jira for Agile Teams
Using Jira to manage agile projects and integrate with version control
Module #17
Trello and Kanban
Using Trello and Kanban to visualize and manage workflows
Module #18
Asana for Task Management
Using Asana to manage tasks and integrate with version control
Module #19
Code Review and Feedback
Best practices for code review and feedback in a collaborative environment
Module #20
Version Control for Distributed Teams
Challenges and strategies for using version control with distributed teams
Module #21
Advanced Git Techniques
Advanced Git techniques, including cherry-picking and rebasing
Module #22
Git for Advanced Users
Advanced Git concepts, including Git internals and customizing Git
Module #23
Version Control and DevOps
How version control fits into DevOps practices and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD)
Module #24
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Version Control and Collaboration Tools career

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