77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
( 30 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to Web Development
Overview of web development, history of the web, and importance of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Module #2
HTML Basics
Introduction to HTML, basic syntax, and structure
Module #3
HTML Elements and Tags
Common HTML elements and tags, semantic meaning, and usage
Module #4
HTML Structure and Layout
HTML document structure, headers, footers, and layout techniques
Module #5
Working with Links and Images
Creating hyperlinks, linking to external resources, and adding images to web pages
Module #6
HTML Tables and Forms
Creating tables, formatting tables, and building forms with HTML
Module #7
CSS Introduction and Basics
Introduction to CSS, syntax, and selectors
Module #8
CSS Properties and Values
Common CSS properties, values, and units
Module #9
CSS Selectors and Combinators
CSS selectors, combinators, and how to target elements
Module #10
Styling Text and Fonts
CSS text properties, font styles, and font families
Module #11
CSS Layout and Positioning
CSS layout techniques, box model, and positioning schemes
Module #12
CSS Colors and Backgrounds
CSS color properties, backgrounds, and gradients
Module #13
Introduction to JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript, syntax, and data types
Module #14
JavaScript Variables and Control Structures
JavaScript variables, conditional statements, and loops
Module #15
JavaScript Functions and Arrays
JavaScript functions, function arguments, and arrays
Module #16
DOM and Events
Introduction to the DOM, events, and event listeners
Module #17
JavaScript and HTML/CSS Integration
Using JavaScript to manipulate HTML and CSS
Module #18
Building a Simple Web Page
Practical exercise:building a simple web page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Module #19
Responsive Web Design
Introduction to responsive web design, media queries, and flexible grids
Module #20
Accessibility and Best Practices
Web accessibility guidelines, best practices, and common pitfalls
Module #21
Web Storage and Cookies
Using web storage and cookies to store and retrieve data
Module #22
Introduction to Front-end Frameworks
Overview of popular front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue
Module #23
Deployment and Hosting
Deploying and hosting websites, FTP, and version control systems
Module #24
Debugging and Troubleshooting
Debugging and troubleshooting techniques, browser dev tools, and error handling
Module #25
Advanced Topics in JavaScript
Advanced JavaScript topics such as async programming, promises, and async/await
Module #26
Advanced Topics in CSS
Advanced CSS topics such as CSS Grid, Flexbox, and advanced layout techniques
Module #27
Building a Complex Web Application
Practical exercise:building a complex web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Module #28
Web Performance Optimization
Optimizing web performance, caching, and minimizing page load times
Module #29
Security Best Practices
Web security best practices, common vulnerabilities, and prevention techniques
Module #30
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in Web Development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript career

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