77 Languages

Apprentice Mode
10 Modules / ~100 pages
Wizard Mode
~25 Modules / ~400 pages

iOS App Development with Swift
( 25 Modules )

Module #1
Introduction to iOS App Development
Overview of iOS app development, Swift language, and Xcode
Module #2
Setting up the Development Environment
Installing Xcode, creating a new project, and understanding the Xcode interface
Module #3
Swift Basics
Introduction to Swift language, data types, variables, and operators
Module #4
Swift Control Flow
If-else statements, switch statements, loops, and conditional statements
Module #5
Swift Functions and Closures
Defining and calling functions, function arguments, and closures
Module #6
Swift Object-Oriented Programming
Classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation
Module #7
Working with UIKit
Introduction to UIKit, creating UI components, and understanding the view hierarchy
Module #8
Building a Simple iOS App
Creating a simple iOS app with UIKit, labeling, and button actions
Module #9
Understanding Auto Layout
Introduction to Auto Layout, constraints, and layout rules
Module #10
Working with Tables and Collection Views
Creating and populating tables and collection views
Module #11
Handling User Input
Working with text fields, text views, and gestures
Module #12
Persistence and Storage
Saving and retrieving data using UserDefaults, Core Data, and other storage options
Module #13
Networking and APIs
Making HTTP requests, working with JSON, and integrating third-party APIs
Module #14
Working with Core Location
Using Core Location for GPS, maps, and location-based services
Module #15
Working with Core Image
Using Core Image for image processing, filtering, and manipulation
Module #16
Error Handling and Debugging
Handling errors, using Xcodes debugger, and understanding crash reports
Module #17
Testing and Validation
Writing unit tests, UI tests, and validation for iOS apps
Module #18
App Distribution and Publishing
Preparing and submitting an app to the App Store
Module #19
Advanced Topics in iOS App Development
SwiftUI, Combine, and other advanced frameworks and technologies
Module #20
Design Patterns and Principles
Applying design patterns and principles to iOS app development
Module #21
Accessibility and Localization
Making iOS apps accessible and localized for different languages and regions
Module #22
Security and Authentication
Securing iOS apps with authentication, authorization, and encryption
Module #23
Performance Optimization
Optimizing iOS app performance, memory management, and battery life
Module #24
Building a Complex iOS App
Building a more complex iOS app using learned concepts and technologies
Module #25
Course Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Planning next steps in iOS App Development with Swift career

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